
Google Photos gains support for Android 14’s new Ultra HDR format

Google Company In May, Google introduced its new Ultra HDR format with the release of Android 14 Beta 2, which will be fully integrated with standard JPEG images. Thus, the system will display SDR images on a non-HDR screen, but the color and contrast will be visible when displayed on an HDR-capable panel.

The first app to bring support for this new Ultra HDR format from the Google company is none other than Google Photos. Google company AssembleDebug found a few strings pointing to Ultra HDR support. As a result, other third-party apps will be able to take advantage of the feature with Android 14.

This is actually a pretty neat feature, as it allows you to take full advantage of your modern display and camera setup on your latest phone and display your photos in great quality while maintaining the JPEG format.

That way, you can send those images via a Google Photos link and they’ll still be visible on a standard SDR screen for obvious reasons, of course, they won’t look as good.

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